
LAST UPDATED ON: 1st Aug, 2022

Privacy Policy

We completely understand the responsibility of protecting Your privacy. We designed this Privacy Policy to tell You about Exly’s practices regarding collection, use, and disclosure of information that You may provide for using Our services/accessing the Platform. By using/ accessing the Platform and by providing any information to Us through the Platform, You agree to the terms of this Privacy Policy.

These are the Company’s Privacy Policy (“Privacy Policy”) governing Your use of the Platform and its services. By accessing, using or signing up on the Platform or any other services and features, You are accepting the practices described in this Privacy Policy.

In this Privacy Policy, meanings as ascribed to the terminologies in the Terms of Use shall be applicable:

1. Revisions to Privacy Policy:

The Company reserves the right to update and revise this Privacy Policy at any time. You can determine if this Privacy Policy has been revised since Your last visit by referring to the “Effective Date of the current Privacy Policy” date at the top of this page. You should therefore review this Privacy Policy regularly to ensure that You are aware of its terms and amendments. Your use of the Platform constitutes Your acceptance of the terms of the Privacy Policy as amended or revised by Us.


This Privacy Policy covers the Company’s treatment of Information that the Company collects and receives, including information related to Your past use of the Platform. Technology and security policies, rules and other precautions are used to shield Your Information from unlawful intruders, unauthorized access, destruction and accidental loss. Our policy is designed to assist You in understanding how We collect, use and safeguard the Information You provide to Us and to assist You in making informed decisions when using Our Platform.

3. What Information do We collect?

Our primary goal of collecting Your information is to provide You a safe, efficient, smooth and customized experience. This allows the Company to provide services and features that most likely meet Your needs, and to customize Our Platform to make Your experience safer and easier.

When You visit this Platform You may provide us with Your

  • Personal Information: Name, email id and content which You knowingly disclose that is collected on an individual basis.
  • Automatic Information: We store all such information that automatically gets accessible to Us by the virtue of You accessing the Platform on Your device, like location, email-id, etc. We receive and store certain types of information whenever You interact using the Platform. For example, like many Web sites, we use Cookies and we obtain certain types of information when Your Web browser accesses the Platform or advertisements and other content served by or on behalf of the  Platform.


    Cookie is a small data file that Our server sends to Your browser when You visit the Platform (“Cookies”). The use of Cookies helps us to assist Your use of certain aspects of the Platform. You can delete Cookies at any time or You can set Your browser to reject or disable Cookies.  We may use information from Cookies for the following purposes:                           i.   Traffic monitoring;

               ii.   IP address from which You access the Platform;

               iii.  type of browser and operating system used to access the Platform;

               iv.  date and time of Your access to the Platform;

               v.   pages You visit;

              vi.  Internet address of the website from which you accessed the site to recognize repeat visitors for                          statistical/analytical purposes.

  • Stored Information: We store all such data which are shared by You or by a third party on Your behalf either at the time of accessing of the Platform or at any other later stage on Our Platform such as image files, documents etc.
  • Personal Information, Automatic Information, and Stored Information shall individually be referred as “Personal Information”, “Automatic Information” and “Stored Information” and collectively as “Information”.
  • Information does not refer to any content You may share with Us for the purposes of publishing on Our Platform. Such content shall be governed by Our Terms of Use

4.   Use of Information:

  • We use Your Information for understanding Users in such a way as to provide better services of the Platform;
  • We use Your Information to customize Your experience; detect and protect Us against error, fraud and other criminal activity; enforce Our terms and conditions; and as otherwise described to You at the time of collection;
  • To provide You with technical support, including Platform updates;
  • To send You communications, as per Your notification settings, on any updates or developments pertaining to the Platform or Your use of the Platform;
  • To communicate promotions and other offers; and
  • To facilitate payment processes and verify payment information.

5.   What types of information are not allowed on the Platform?

  • Nudity or other sexually suggestive content;
  •  Hate speech;
  • Credible threats or direct attacks on an individual or group;
  • Content that contains self-harm or excessive violence;
  •  Fake or impostor profiles; and
  •  Spam.

6.   With whom We may share Your information?

  • Generally, the Company will not disclose personally identifiable information that We collect through Your use of the Platform to unaffiliated third parties. We reserve the right, however, to provide such information to Our affiliates, third party contractors, employees, contractors, agents, and designees to the extent necessary to enable them to perform certain Platform-related services (e.g., Platform hosting, improve the Platform related services and features, or maintenance services) on Our behalf.


  • We also reserve the right to disclose such information to any third party if We believe that We are required to do so for any or all of the following reasons: (i) by law; (ii) to comply with legal processes or governmental requests; (iii) to prevent, investigate, detect, or prosecute criminal offenses or attacks on the technical integrity of the Platform or Our network; and/or (iv) to protect the rights, property, or safety of the Company or its employees, the Users of the Platform, the public, or You.

7.   Changes of business ownership and control:

  • The Company may, from time to time, expand or reduce Our business and this may involve the sale and/or the transfer of control of all or part of the Company. Information provided will, where it is relevant to any part of Our business so transferred, be transferred along with that part and the new owner or newly controlling party will, under the terms of this Privacy Policy, be permitted to use the Information for the purposes for which it was originally given to Us.
  • We may also disclose Information to a prospective purchaser of Our business or any part of it.
  • In the above instances, we will take steps with the aim of ensuring Your privacy is protected.

8Data retention:

  • Unless a longer retention period is required or permitted by law, we will only hold Your Information on Our systems for the period necessary to fulfill the purposes outlined in this Privacy Policy.
  • Even if We delete Your Information, it may persist on backup or archival media for legal, tax, or regulatory purposes.

9Technical and functional management of the Platform:

When You use Our Platform, We may also process technical data such as Your IP-address, Device ID or MAC-address, and information about the manufacturer, model, and operating system of Your mobile device. We use this data to enable us to deliver the functionalities of the Platform, resolve technical difficulties, and provide You with the correct (prevent the transmission of spam, viruses, and/or unlawful, defamatory, obscene or otherwise undesirable material or content) and most up to date version of the Platform.

10.  Security

The Company takes Your security seriously and We take precautions to keep Your Information secure. We have put in place appropriate physical, electronic, and managerial procedures to safeguard the information We collect. However, due to the open communication nature of the internet, We cannot guarantee that communications between You and the Company, or information stored on Our Platform, will be free from unauthorized access by third parties. Any transmission of information by You to Our Platform is at Your own risk.

11.  Legal Disclaimer:

We reserve the right to disclose Your personally identifiable information as required by law and when we believe that disclosure is necessary to protect Our rights and/or to comply with a judicial proceeding, court order, or legal process served on Our Platform. We may be required to share the aforesaid information with government authorities and agencies for the purposes of verification of identity or for prevention, detection, investigation including cyber incidents, prosecution, and punishment of offences. You agree and consent for the Company to disclose Your Information, if so, required under the applicable law.

12. A Special Note about Children:

The services under the Platform are not directed towards individuals under 18(eighteen), they are not allowed to register with or use the service or provide personal data. If We discover that We have collected personal information from a minor under 18, We will delete that information immediately.

13. Governing Law:

The laws of India shall govern this Privacy Policy, regardless of Your location. You hereby expressly consent to exclusive jurisdiction and venue located in, Delhi, India, for all matters or disputes arising out of or relating to the Terms of Use or Your access or use of the Platform.


14. Grievance Redressal:

If You find any discrepancies or have any grievances in relation to the collection, storage, use, disclosure,Ḥ and transfer of Your Personal Information under this Privacy Policy or other terms and conditions or policies of any of the Company’s entity, please contact Us at support@myscoot.in